Rep Some Of Your Favorite Disney Fandoms With These Gorgeous Neck Buffs From Whosits & Whatsits
Images: Whosits & Whatsits
Who knew face coverings were going to be one of the accessories we would all be wearing this year?! But who could’ve predicted the strange year 2020 has been so far. The CDC continues to recommend we all wear cloth face coverings in public to help prevent the spread of germs (along with continuing to practicing social distancing, hand washing, and staying at home when you’re sick).
That doesn’t mean we still can’t be fashionable while we’re all tryng to deal with the new normal while we’re all trying to get used to thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, and Whosits & Whatsits has a fun collection of neck buffs available to shop now to help us do just that.
Images: Whosits & Whatsits
The label has 6 neck buffs available in their online shop, inspired by some of our favorite Disney franchises including one of my personal favorites — Tron!!! Remember — neck buffs aren’t intended to be used as a replacement for conventional and approved personal protective equpment like surgical masks, but if they’re easier for you to wear without touching or fiddling with it, it’s an alternative worth considering.
Image: Whosits & Whatsits
Neck buffs are actually a pretty versatile accessory you can use as a face covering, headband, bandana, wristband, and neck warmer. So you can style them many different ways and wear them long after the pandemic is over. Keep going for a closer look at each of the Whosits & Whatsits Neck Buffs that are available to shop online now for $14. Do you have a favorite? How do you like to style your neck buffs? Let us know in the comments below or over on Facebook or Twitter!
Lightcycle Neck Buff — $13.99
Images: Whosits & Whatsists
Archer Princess Neck Buff — $13.99
Images Whosits & Whatsists
Lost Princess Neck Buff — $13.99
Images: Whosits & Whatsists
Apprentice Neck Buff — $13.99
Image: Whosits & Whatsits
Toy Room Neck Buff — $13.99
Image: Whosists & Whatsits