Don't You Forget About Me: Watch Cast Members From John Hughes Films Reunite To Deliver Their Famous Lines
Via: YouTube
As a Gen X-er, John Hughes movies will always have a special place in my heart. His films permanently changed how Hollywood makes and markets teen movies, but more than that — they changed the way many teenagers thought about everything from love and friendship, to fashion and music.
For the last episode of his Reunited Apart series, Josh Gad assembled the cast of 1986’s Ferris Bueller’s Day Off to reminisce about the making of the classic comedy. It’s a great episode, and if you haven’t already watched it you can find it in our write-up of the episode here.
To close the episode Gad played a nearly 5-minute montage paying tribute to the late-director. If you are a fan of all those John Hughes films get those tissues ready. I was ugly crying before it was over (and I am okay with that). Some pretty big names appear in the video, recreating some of their most memorable lines from Hughes’ films including Molly Ringwald, Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, Michael Keaton, Andrew McCarthy, Judd Nelson, Anthony-Michael Hall, Jon Cryer, and many, many, more.
Hughes once said, "If you create great universal characters that are funny and engaging and touch people, you make something that will play everywhere." Mission accomplished, John Hughes. Take a trip down memory lane and watch the full clip below.