James Cordon Gets 'A Little Help From His Friends' For A Feel Good Sing-A-Long You Don't Want To Miss
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I don’t know about some of the rest of you, but ‘crisis fatigue’ has really been getting to me lately, and it’s definitely felt like one of those weeks. You know the kind I’m talking about — the ones where it feels like you can’t recharge at all no matter how much you try. So this clip from The Late Show with James Corden was just what I needed to see today.
Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, Corden has been hosting the show from his garage. According to the actor/comedien, hosting a show without a studio audence can be a little lonely, so on Thursday’s show he enlisted the help of some The Muppets for a little sing-along of a classic Beatles song.
The end result will make you smile. Take a look!
If you want more of The Muppets with James Corden keep going for another clip of Corden trying out his opening monologue on Statler & Waldorf. Spoilers. They were not impressed, because of COURSE they weren’t!