10 Timeless Quotes To Celebrate The 40th Anniversary Of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK
Image: Lucasfilm/Disney
May 21, 2020 is the 40th anniversary of premiere of The Empire Strikes Back, and as a life-long Star Wars fan I couldn’t let the day pass without commemorating it in some way (other than finally buying that Style A original Empire one-sheet I don’t need but really do at the same time because, STAR WARS!). Aside from my family, Star Wars is the longest relationship I’ve had in my life.
I’m sure I’m not the only one out there that can say that. Am I right?!? The amount I love Star Wars an an adult is only really eclipsed by one thing — how much I loved it when I was a little girl. Like a lot of Star Wars lovers I know, Empire is my favorite movie of the franchise, and I still remember the first time I saw it back in the day. Tauntauns! Then the battle sequences on Hoth with the snow speeders and AT-AT’s. Princess Leia rocking many cool braided hairstyles I wanted for myself but couldn’t have (because I had really short hair). Yoda. Does it really get much better than Yoda. He’s everyone’s favorite life coach! Han Solo taking the Millennium Falcon into the asteroid field. Boba Fett. Cloud City.
Image: Lucasfilm/Disney
I was too young to really understand some of the psychologial nuances and themes explored in the film (like in the cave on Dagobah). I just knew that something important happened when Luke went inside and that Darth Vader and the Imperial March scared the crap out of me. I also didn’t know what set design or cinematography was, but I knew the lightsaber duel on Cloud City was, and still is to this day, one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen on a big screen.
Yes. I’ve loved this movie as long as I can remember. I loved it with a child’s love, and that is the kind of love that is pure and pencil case engraved and committed. I don’t think there’s another time in your life that your loves and likes and subsequent tribal distinctions will define you as you are and as you will become quite like some of these powerful moments from your childhood. That’s certainly been true for me, so to celebrate The Empire Strikes Back I’ve put together a list of 10 of my favorite lines from the film.
Before some of you say, “Hey, but you missed this one…” — trust me. I didn’t miss it. With a movie filled with so many iconic lines, narrowing it down to such a small list wasn’t easy. From lines that have become almost a shorthand language between my siblings and I, to words to iive by from everyone’s favorite life coach, Yoda here it goes — 10 timeless quotes from The Empire Strikes Back.
1. “There is a great disturbance in the Force.” — The Emporer
Appropriate for almost any occasion.
2. “I am not a committee!” – Leia Organa
Image: Lucasfilm/Disney
Even though sometimes it feels like I am. A committe of ONE who is the one responsible for getting sh*t done.
3. “Laugh it up, fuzzball.” – Han Solo to Chewbacca
Chewie is my spirit animal.
4. “The force is with you, young Skywalker, but you are not a Jedi yet.” – Darth Vader
My siblings will still be hearing this from me when we are in our 70’s and 80’s.
5. “I’d just as soon kiss a Wookiee.” – Leia Organa
Image: Fashion and Fandom
Been there. Done that. Have the t-shirt.
6. “I’m altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.”
Image: Lucasfilm/Disney
If I had a quarter for every time my Dad said this growing up….
7. “Punch it!” – Han Solo to Chewbacca
Image: Lucasfilm/Disney
Enough said.
8. “Impressive. Most impressive.” — Darth Vader
Another line that works for so many things.
9. “Never tell me the odds!” – Han Solo
Image: Lucasfilm/Disney
Words to live by from my favorite scruffy-looking Nerf Herder.
10. “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda
One of Yoda’s most profound statements, and definitely words I’ve lived my life by.
Image: Lucasfilm/Disney
Now it’s your turn! What are YOUR favorite quotes from The Empire Strikes Back? Leave a comment below or let me know on Facebook or Twitter!
“I’m altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.”
“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you?”
It’s given the world some of its favorite characters, moments and lines
“Hey, but you forgot this line…” — Trust us, we didn’t forget anything. This is neither a comprehensive list of dialogue from the film, nor a reprint of the screenplay. We were tasked with taking this film (a personal favorite for some of us) and picking only 30 quotes from a script ripe with awesome dialogue, and let’s face it, nearly every word from Yoda and Han Solo is a memorable quote. When the staff first compiled a list of their favorites, there was nearly double the amount of lines; we then had to go through as a [I am not a] committee and compromise. It was not easy, dear readers. A few voices got raised and a lot of time spend in debate, but in the end, we hope to give you a decent sample of memorable quotations from the film (and by film, we mean the original theatrical release, not any of the later re-releases/special editions).
Like most Star Wars lovers, Empire Strikes Back is my favorite Star Wars movie. Not only does it look great, but the scenes actually make sense and line up coherently. Okay, that’s an unnecessary jab at the prequels. Sorry, prequels, but don’t look for a 30th anniversary celebration from me for Attack of the Clones.
I remember when I first saw Empire Strikes Back in the movie theater. Darth Vader scared the crap out of me. There was a shot of Vader on the Star Destroyer in which Vader walked away from the camera, and his black cape flowed back and took up most of the screen. This was back when regular movie screens were huge, and I thought his cape was going to devour young little me.
10 of my favorite quotes from the movie.
As always, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section, along with any quotes you would have liked to see make this list. And please remember, this is ONLY from The Empire Strikes Back, so please don’t get pissed because you don’t see “That’s no moon, it’s a space station†on the list. It’s not there, because it’s NOT in this movie. [Just look at the complaints that are STILL coming in on our Star Wars Quotes list from three years ago about how we left out lines that weren’t even in the first Star Wars movie!]