'If The Witcher Had A Black Cat' Is Everything You Need On Caturday
Screen Grab: Owl Kitty/YouTube
If you like cats (or you just appreciate clever fan-made movie videos) and you haven’t already been following the adventures of OwlKitty you’ve been missing out! For those of you who need to be brought up to speed, OwlKitty, aka “Your Favorite Movie Cat”, is actually a two-year-old black cat named Lizzy, who stars in a series of 45-second videos made by OwlKitty Studios. I’m a fan of all of OwlKitty’s videos, but one of the latest has to be a personal favorite.
Like this one.
Screengrab: OwlKitty/YouTube
Take a look at “If The Witcher Had A Black Cat”, and I dare you not to smile. It’s fantastic!
The video is the work of OwlKitty’s creative team — filmmaker, Tibo Charroppin, writer, Olivia Boone, and Juliette, the 10-year-old tabby who serves as Lizzy’s “adoptive mom, manager, and agent.” If you were impressed by OwlKitty’s adventures on the Continent you’re in good company. The Witcher show runner, Lauren Schmidt Hissrich recently retweeted the video herself with the caption: “Great god, this is amazing.” I couldn’t agree with her more!
The OwlKitty team are big supporters of #adoptdontshop, sharing their own story of Lizzy’s adoption and raising money annually for cat adoption. You can become a supporter of OwlKitty on Patreon and get perks like autographed postcards along with other swag.
So far, OwlKitty has made appearances in Star Wars, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, How to Train your Dragon just to name a few. If you need more smiles and Owlkitty in your life — and who doesn’t — keep going to check out more of her work. And don’t forget to follow OwlKitty on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Patreon.