Stay Connected In Lockdown With These Clever Cards From Richie Designs
Image: Richie Designs
I remember a simpler time… a time (a few weeks ago) when none of us were familiar with the term “social distancing.” Now, self-quarantine has become the “new normal” for most of us, and it’s taking away our usual face-to-face contact with family and friends. That can be hard for a lot of people, because humans are innately social animals. It’s science.
This “new normal” may be taking away our usual methods of keeping in touch, but it’s also an opportunity to change up the ways we communicate with our loved ones. Remember letters? You remember what those are. And if you don’t, a letter requires paper and something to write with like a pen or a pencil.
Via: Giphy
Maybe I’m old-fashioned, or maybe it’s the journalist in me — but I always have a reporter’s notebook in my bag and I still write out a lot of things by hand. I know a lot of people don’t do that anymore because our “to-do” lists can be kept on our phones, students type notes for classes, and everyone can send a text or an email in a few seconds.
But I will probably always feel the need to physically write, and as my friends can tell you I still love writing and sending cards. I know?!!! Once upon a time, sending and receiving letters was the main source of communication. While that time may be behind us, I will always love sending snail mail. Who doesn’t like actually getting a handwritten note in their mailbox? There’s something really special about one. It’s a tangible representation of someone taking the time and effort to think about the words they want to share with you before they write them down.
So while we are all looking for ways to stay connected with each other, how about taking the time to write someone a note. While you’re at it, write a few extra cards and send them to a nursing home for a group of residents. Not everyone will receive letters and cards during this difficult time, so writing to more people will help raise the spirits of everyone in the home. Just remember to wash your hands first.
For those of you looking to get back to some old-fashioned letter writing Richie Designs has a wide-range of cards that are sure to bring a smile to anyone on the receiving end. My dad had a print shop growing up, and I spent several summers as a hot stamper (one of those jobs that probably doesn’t exist anymore). So let’s just say I’m a big paper nerd and I definitely appreciate quality letterpress cards.
I first discovered Richie’s work through a mutual friend, and I’ve been addicted ever since. The California-based letterpress studio carries a wide assortment of cards and gifts for all occasions. Several of her cards are uniquely suited for our “new normal” and are sure to bring a smile to anyone you send one to.
Keep going for a look at just a small selection of Richie Designs cards. Looks like there’s a special running right now for “Buy 6 cards get one FREE” for $29.95. Head over to Etsy to check out the shop, and keep supporting those small businesses right now if you can!
Do you still take the time to write hand written notes? Do you like finding them in your mailbox? Let me know in the comments below!