SDCC 2018 Nerd Fashion & Costuming Panel Round Up


San Diego Comic-Con 2018 is upon us. Where's the transporter bay when you need one?!? As always, there are too many panels and not enough time to see everything. This year has a lot of fashion and costuming panels on the schedule for fans interested in geek fashion. 

Panels are a great way to get to listen, learn and ask questions from some of the creators behind your favorite brands. There are also some amazing costuming panels planned with some of the designers responsible for the superhero costumes you see on small and big screens! 

There's going to be some tough choices (we're looking at YOU Friday). If you're still figuring out your schedule for the weekend we've broken down each day for you: 


I'm in the Nerd Business -  July 19 • 10:00am - 11:00am; Grand 1 & 2 Mariott Marquis 

How do you succeed at turning your passions and fandoms into a successful business? Find out from this panel of entrepreneurs whose businesses cater to a predominantly nerdy and geeky clientele: Audrey Kearns (Geek Girl Authority), Janelle Badali (Badali Jewelry), Matthew Arevalo (Loot Crate), Christy Black (Heroes Journey Fitness), and Lauren Matesic (Castle Corsetry). They will discuss how these businesses started, how they compete with big corporations trying to capitalize on the geek marketplace, and how they market goods and services to a community seeking geeky authenticity. Moderated by Brian Ward (The Arkham Sessions, Shout! Factory).

 Careers in Geek Fashion - July 19, 2018 1:00pm - 2:00pm; Grand 1 & 2 Mariott Marquis 

Geek fashion is an industry that continues to grow each year, and you don't have to be a designer to work in it. Panelists talk about the career paths available in geek fashion, looking at the jobs within and outside of fashion companies. Moderated by Lisa Granshaw (GeekFold), panelists Sarah Buzby (Ubisoft), Allison Cimino (RockLove Jewelry), Catherine Elhoffer (Elhoffer Design), Jeff Trexler (Fashion Law Institute), and WinterArtwork will discuss their careers and the ways people can work in the industry. There will be a Q&A so panelists can answer any career questions you might have.


The Her Universe Workshop - July 20, 2018 10:30am - 12:30pm; Santa Rosa Room Mariott Marquis

Want to get in to the business of geek fashion? Calling all designers, artists, lawyers, and entrepreneurs. Founder of Her Universe Ashley Eckstein takes a deep dive into the business behind some of your favorite brands. Joining Ashley will be Trevor Schultz, founder of Loungefly; Cindy Levitt, SVP of licensing/Hot Topic; Theresa Mercado, VP of product development/Hot Topic and Professor Susan Scafidi, founder and director of the Fashion Law Institute at Fordham Law School.

Behind The Design: Star Wars Fashion Collaborations July 20, 2018 12:00pm - 1:00pm; Room 7AB

Star Wars has always been on the forefront of the "geek chic" fashion movement by bringing iconic characters and stories to life through the lens of modern fashion. Over the past decade, the portfolio of brand partnerships has grown significantly, allowing fans all over the world to celebrate their passion for the brand with more than just T-shirts. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the design and development process of Star Wars fashion and accessories with the creative leads of some of the most popular collaborations to date.

How to Build a Geek Brand (And Get Paid!) July 20, 2018 12:00pm - 1:00pm; Grand 1 & 2 Mariott Marquis

Do you dream of a career in the pop culture industry? Do you have an idea or product but don't know how to get it to market? Do you have a geeky brand but feel stuck trying to get it to the next level? Hosted by Tony B. Kim (Hero Within, Crazy 4 Comic Con), pop culture entrepreneurs will share how they transformed their hobby into an exciting career and offer advice to attendees who hope to do the same. Panelist include Ani-Mia (professional cosplayer), Chris Gore (writer, creator), Genese Davis (author), and Andre Meadows (YouTube host).

Marvel's Black Panther Costume Designer Ruth Carter: Designing the Costumes of Wakanda    July 20, 2018 12:00pm - 1:00pm; Room 9

Costume Designers Guild members Ruth Carter (costume designer, Black Panther, Malcolm X, Serenity), Anthony Francisco (visual development concept artist, Black Panther, Thor: Ragnarok, Guardians of the Galaxy), and Phillip Boutte Jr. (costume concept artist, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Avengers: Infinity Wars) discuss the process behind designing the costumes of Marvel's Black Panther, along with Mary Ellen Fields (manufacturing foreperson/specialty manufacturer, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Superman: Man of Steel) and Douriean Fletcher (specialty jeweler, Black Panther).

Create Your Own Fandom-Themed Fashions July 20, 2018 1:00pm - 2:00pm; Grand 1 & 2 Mariott Marquis

A panel of designers who have started their own fandom fashion lines will provide tips and tricks on how to upcycle, construct, and design your own fashion. You'll have an opportunity to ask questions on how to craft your own clothes or create a small business. Panelists include Tony B. Kim (Hero Within), Jordan Ellis (Jordandene), Tiffany Mink (Whosits & Whatsits), Camille Falciola (Her Universe Fashion Show winner), Jesse Thaxton (Her Universe Fashion Show winner), Leetal Platt (Her Universe Fashion Show winner), and Linda Rhodes (1138 Clothing). Moderated by Stephanie Pressman (Fashionably Nerdy) and Samantha Mason (Fashionably Nerdy).

Costumes and Technology: How Technology is Changing the way Hollywood Makes Costumes July 20, 2018 3:00pm - 4:00pm; Grand 9 Mariott Marquis

Hollywood's top costume makers not only take advantage of rapidly changing technology, they also contribute to those concepts, innovations, and tools. Come learn "how" in this introductory panel featuring costumers from some of the year's biggest films: Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, and Justice League. Panelists include Federico Cervantes (key specialty costumer), Salvatore Salamone (specialty costumer, 3D modeler), Dorothy Bulac-Eriksen (key specialty costumer), Tammy Williamson (costume supervisor), Eric Shane Johnson (set costumer), and Amelia McKinney (key costume buyer). 

Building Your Own Themyscira: Connecting With Other Geek Bosses - July 20, 2018 5:00pm - 6:00pm; Grand 1 & 2 Mariott Marquis

Lisa Granshaw (GeekFold) moderates a discussion with Jordan Ellis (Jordandene and The Sartorial Geek), Robyn Warren (GeekGirlStrong), Sam Maggs (The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy and Wonder Women), Jaimie Cordero (Espionage Cosmetics), Jazzlyn Stone (Bombsheller), and Rose del Vecchio (FanMailBox) about finding your niche, building professional relationships, and fostering community over competition.


Costume Design for Television and Film- July 21, 2018 11:00am -12:00pm; Room 23ABC

Costume Designers Guild members Sanja Hays (costume designer, Captain Marvel, Star Trek: Beyond), Amanda Riley (costume designer, Supergirl, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Joseph Porro (costume designer, The Orville, Stargate, Independence Day), and Laura Jean Shannon (costume designer, Titans, Black Lightning, Jumani: Welcome to the Jungle) discuss the process behind designing costumes for some of the most exciting productions on television and in film.

Her Universe: It's Your Universe - July 21, 2018 11:00am - 12:00pm; Room 29 ABC

Ashley Eckstein (Her Universe, voice of Ahsoka Tano) and Amy Ratcliffe (author and journalist) discuss Eckstein's new book, It's Your Universe: You Have the Power to Make It Happen. Ashley will share her story and take fans through her step-by-step guide on how to make dreams come true. You won't want to miss this inspiring and empowering conversation!

Agent Carter & Bésame Cosmetics: A Heroic Match - July 21, 2018 12:00pm - 1:00pm; Grand 1 & 2 Mariott Marquis

Bésame Cosmetics CEO and founder Gabriela Hernandez joins a round-table of Marvel's Agent Carter fans and experts (Kelly Dreyer, Kristine Knowlton (Carter Cosplay), Peggy Pincurls, comic historian Jessica Tseang, and Sarah Rodriguez (author of Agent Carter Season One: Declassified) to discuss Peggy's staying power. Panel moderated by Dawn M. Bourn (The Geek Girl Project).

Level Up: Be A Nerd Boss - July 21, 2018 3:00pm - 4:00pm; Grand 1 & 2 Mariott Marquis

Jaimie Cordero (Espionage Cosmetics CEO), Allison Cimino (RockLove Jewelry), Jazzlyn Stone (Bombsheller), and Jordan Ellis (The Sartorial Geek) combine their forces, skills, and life hacks as successful, nerdy business professionals to share their wisdom with fellow nerds interested in starting and/or maintaining their business. Moderated by Mandie Roman (Geeky Glamorous).

Costume Costume Art For Television And Film - July 21, 2018 5:30pm - 6:30pm; Room 8

Costume Designers Guild members Alan Villanueva (costume concept artists, Titans, Black Lightning, The Nutcracker and the Four Realms), Greg Hopwood (costume concept artist, Supergirl, The Gifted, Krypton), Luca Nemolato (The Shape of Water, Westworld, Guardians of the Galexy Vol. 2), Oksana Nedavniaya (costume concept artist, Aquaman, Suicide Squad, Bright), and Phillip Boutte, Jr. (costume concept artist, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Avengers: Infinity Wars) discuss the process behind creating concept art for some of the most exciting productions on television and in film. The concept artists will also take questions from the audience.

Ladies of the Legions: A Conversation About Women, Costuming, and Star Wars! - July 21, 2018 7:00pm - 8:00pm; Grand 1 & 2 Mariott Marquis

Five members of different Star Wars costume clubs discuss the basics of Star Wars costumes for women and challenges faced within the community. Speakers include Lesley Farquhar, Carrie Ann Caranci, Kristina Gundersen-Rudmann, Wendy Starling, and Regina Vail. Followed by a Q&A with the attendees moderated by Lesley Farquhar.


How to Be a Nerd For a Living: Breaking into Careers in Geek Culture - July 22, 2018 10:00am - 11:00am; Grand 1 & 2 Mariott Marquis

Do you want to build a career in the "nerdy" industry you love, but you're not sure where to begin? This all-star panel of professional "Nerds for a Living" will share insights into a variety of careers within comics, literature, podcasting, animation, film, and more. Learn how these panelists got their start, and get advice on what it takes to create a path to the career you want. Travis McElroy (The Adventure Zone; My Brother, My Brother and Me), Susan Eisenberg (voice of Wonder Woman in Justice League and Justice League: Unlimited), Tomi Adeyemi (author of Children of Blood and Bone), Ben Blacker (Vertigo's Hex Wives; co-creator of The Thrilling Adventure Hour), Jaimie Cordero (CEO and Glitter Jedi of Espionage Cosmetics), Jazzlyn Stone (COO of Bombsheller), and others will engage in this fun discussion moderated by Wendy Buske (Fictitious; Nerd for a Living) that'll leave you ready to conquer your post-SDCC goals.




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RockLove Jewelry Heading To SDCC 2018