Meet Your New SDCC Favorite Thing - Con Merit Badges

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One of the things I enjoy most about conventions (and don't get to do nearly enough) is wandering the exhibit halls to discover new (to me) designers, artists, and vendors tucked away along the aisles . One of the tables I found last year at San Diego Comic-Con belonged to artist and illustrator, Claire Hummel, who had a series of "Con Rangers" Merit Badges.

My first thought when I saw the merit badges was –  "These are BRILLIANT!". The second was   – "I want them all but I have to earn them first." Well, maybe I don't need to earn all of them. I'm fine not ever earning the "Camped Out For a Panel" badge. 

Anyone who has survived running the SDCC gauntlet knows it's a marathon and not a sprint. Why not reward yourself with a merit badge for surviving those long lines, getting into Hall H, keeping your phone charged all day or covering every aisle in the convention center.

This year you can find Claire Hummel at Small Press Q-15 which is near Aisle 1400. There will be 21 Merit Badges in total – including all of last year's favorites, five new badges, and a 2018 exclusive variant. They retail for $5 each, or six for $25. 

The merit badges aren’t the only things Hummel has to offer, of course. Head over to her website where you can see some of her amazing illustrations.

Here's the returning Merit Badges:

Returning Badges.jpg

Here's some of this year's new badges: 

New Badges.jpg
New badges 3.jpg
New Badges 2.jpg

This is the 2018 SDCC Exclusive Con Rangers "Got An Exclusive" Merit Badge

Con Badges Got An Exclusive.jpg

Follow Claire Hummel on Twitter and Instagram, and Con Rangers on Twitter. 

Which badges have you earned? Sound off in the comments below.

All photos belong to and sourced from Claire Hummel/Con Rangers


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