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Joss Whedon Is Returning to 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer'

Image | Dark Horse via CBR 

Many Buffy fans were disappointed last year when Sarah Michelle Geller said she doesn't think a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reunion show will work today. But that doesn't mean we've seen the last of the butt-kicking teenage action hero. She's still going strong in the comics, and now series creator, Joss Whedon, is coming back to tell the last chapter in the Slayer's story.

As CBR first reported, Whedon is returning for the next arc of the popular Dark Horse comic series. He will co-write with longtime Buffy collaborator Christos Gage, with Georges Jeanty returning to illustrate the action. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 12: The Reckoning takes place after Buffy and Co. have saved everyone from the supernatural disaster that wreaked havoc on the citizens of San Francisco. The synopsis has more details:

Image | Dark Horse via CBR

Image | Dark Horse via CBR 


This will be the last season of the comic series, allowing Whedon to wrap up the story a full 26 years after the original movie came out. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 12: The Reckoning #1 will be available June 20th. Are you excited for the next chapter? Sound off in the comments below

Via | CBR